Upcoming Events


Participants will be given a short introductory lecture on the basics of kinesiology tapes and will learn more about their use in physiotherapy and their effects on a variety of pathologies. This will be followed by a practical demonstration of kinesiotaping techniques and a demonstration of the correct application of kinesiology tapes. Participants will have the opportunity to take part…

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What’s Cooking in the Laboratory?
What’s Cooking in the Laboratory?

Changes in pH can affect a variety of chemical processes, therefore accurate determination is important for understanding the properties of substances. Red cabbage contains large amounts of substances called anthocyanins. These are water-soluble dyes that change colour in different pH environments and for that reason red cabbage can be used as a natural pH indicator. Cabbage is also a good…

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Enjoying Science to the Fullest
Enjoying Science to the Fullest

We will present children with age-appropriate information about groups of protein-rich, fatty, and carbohydrate-rich foods, as well as micronutrients and their primary dietary sources. They will learn about the general importance of these nutrients for health or primarily for the well-being and performance of children (“What is good for strong muscles/solid bones/to fight against sniffles/for good thinking of our brains?”…

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What Can My Body Do?
What Can My Body Do?

The workshop will contain three movement challenges and some myths about our bodies. Sitting in a circle: each student sits on the other’s knees to form a circle. If the pupils are in the proper order, they can sit on each other’s knees while supporting the one in front of them. It is a mind game with the number of…

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The Importance of Hand Hygiene
The Importance of Hand Hygiene

Discussion on the importance of hand hygiene, when to wash hands, what to look out for; demonstration of how to wash and disinfect hands; examination of successfully cancerous hands with a handy teaching aid for the UV fluorescent test; showing a film on handwashing and the importance of clean hands.

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Fake News and Conspiracy Theories: How to Combat them and Protect Gender Equality?
Fake News and Conspiracy Theories: How to Combat them and Protect Gender Equality?

“Raising awareness of the interested public through presentations on fake news and conspiracy theories in the field of gender equality: Despite technological and social progress, even in the field of gender equality, fake news and conspiracy theories exist. Based on their characteristics, fake news can be classified into several subgroups, such as: false information, which refers to inaccurate information or…

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Storytelling event in Mythical Park
Storytelling event in Mythical Park

Outdoor storytelling will be held in the Mythical Park in Rodik. The Mythical Park is an example of an excellent cooperation between researchers and the local community. Here the research idea was realised with the support of the local community. Its success also lies in preserving the heritage of storytelling, which is not “”frozen”” in audio-visual records. Stories from the…

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What do Amphibian Abdomens and Human Fingerprints Have in Common?
What do Amphibian Abdomens and Human Fingerprints Have in Common?

We will present a way to identify amphibians from photographs: we can identify each individual toad or newt from their abdominal pattern – just as we can identify each human from fingerprints. Sometimes, it’s easy because toads have a distinctive pattern of black and yellow spots on their abdomen; sometimes, it’s more challenging, and researchers have to use different software…

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Wildlife Detective: Uncovering the Invisible Wildlife Around You
Wildlife Detective: Uncovering the Invisible Wildlife Around You

As part of the activity “Wildlife detective: revealing the invisible wildlife around you”, students and teachers will learn how to efficiently monitor biodiversity with innovative approaches, based on modern, genetic methods. These approaches enable the understanding and research of many important wildlife features (what they eat, what kind of environment they live in, are their populations stable in nature, whether…

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Uradna foto-Nataša Pirc Musar spletna_stran

Dogodki projekta Lažne novice in teorije zarote? Opolnomočimo (se za) znanost! (akronim: oooZnanost!) potekajo pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar.


Univerza v Mariboru


Evropska unija



Pravno obvestilo

Na vseh dogodkih projekta oooZnanost! poteka snemanje in fotografiranje z namenom promocije in poročanja o dogodku. Če vstopite na lokacijo (spletnega) dogodka, boste lahko posneti in fotografirani.  Z vstopom na to lokacijo, dajete dovoljenje organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji, da vas lahko snemajo, fotografirajo, zvočno snemajo in uporabijo vaše posnetke po lastni presoji. Obiskovalci zato ne boste uveljavljali nobene odgovornosti proti organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji v zvezi z zgoraj navedenim. V kolikor se z zgoraj navedenim ne strinjate, vljudno prosimo, da s tem seznanite organizatorje na: ern@um.si. E-sporočilu obvezno priložite visokokakovostni sken fotografije z osebnega dokumenta, da vas lahko organizator izloči iz vseh posnetkov in fotografij skupaj z navedbo, na kateri lokaciji in katerega dne bi lahko bili posneti s strani organizatorjev. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov Univerze v Mariboru je izr. prof. dr. Miha Dvojmoč (dpo@um.si).

Financira Evropska unija. Za izražena stališča in mnenja odgovarja samo avtor (ali avtorji) in ne odražajo nujno stališč Evropske unije ali Evropske izvajalske agencije za raziskave. Niti Evropska unija niti Evropska izvajalska agencija za raziskave ne moreta biti odgovorna zanje.

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