Upcoming Events

Presentation of the best selected research and innovation proposals of the Youth for Progress Maribor Programme
Presentation of the best selected research and innovation proposals of the Youth for Progress Maribor Programme

Selected authors participating in this year’s competition of the Youth for Progress Maribor programme will present their research papers and innovation proposals. Since the school year 1983/84, the “Youth for the Progress of Maribor” programme has been encouraging research work by young people. Initially organised by the Municipality of Maribor, since 2007 it has been run under the auspices of…

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The Consequences of Fake Science in Society and How We Can Act (documentary screening and panel discussion)
The Consequences of Fake Science in Society and How We Can Act (documentary screening and panel discussion)

First, we will watch a documentary about a specific case of fake science and its consequences. Then, in a relaxed debate, we will talk about the manipulation of research data and ideas that online sources and social networks readily exploit and what the consequences can be. In online communication, we are witnessing an increasing loss of knowledge, an inability to…

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Real bites and interesting debates
Real bites and interesting debates

A unique opportunity to explore the impact of fake news and conspiracy theories through interactive and engaging content. Participants will enjoy artistically designed snacks and take the opportunity for informal discussions on the presented content, exchanging opinions, experiences and questions with experts and other event visitors.

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Documentary »The Social Dilemma «
Documentary »The Social Dilemma «

Documentary film “The Social Dilemma” for the general public. The film features interviews with individuals involved in creating social networks and dramatised scenes depicting a teenager becoming increasingly addicted to these platforms. Employees who contributed to Facebook, Google, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and other social networks emphasise the unexpected development and impact on many people. In addition to illustrating how tech…

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Bringing astronomy closer to the public
Bringing astronomy closer to the public

The workshops aim to bring astronomical topics closer to the broadest range of participants. Inside Europark, there will be a workshop on making a simple solarograph, a device that allows for the long-term recording of the Sun’s apparent path across the celestial sphere. On the upper parking lot of Europark, weather permitting, we will observe the Sun during the day…

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Uradna foto-Nataša Pirc Musar spletna_stran

Dogodki projekta Lažne novice in teorije zarote? Opolnomočimo (se za) znanost! (akronim: oooZnanost!) potekajo pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar.


Univerza v Mariboru


Evropska unija



Pravno obvestilo

Na vseh dogodkih projekta oooZnanost! poteka snemanje in fotografiranje z namenom promocije in poročanja o dogodku. Če vstopite na lokacijo (spletnega) dogodka, boste lahko posneti in fotografirani.  Z vstopom na to lokacijo, dajete dovoljenje organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji, da vas lahko snemajo, fotografirajo, zvočno snemajo in uporabijo vaše posnetke po lastni presoji. Obiskovalci zato ne boste uveljavljali nobene odgovornosti proti organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji v zvezi z zgoraj navedenim. V kolikor se z zgoraj navedenim ne strinjate, vljudno prosimo, da s tem seznanite organizatorje na: ern@um.si. E-sporočilu obvezno priložite visokokakovostni sken fotografije z osebnega dokumenta, da vas lahko organizator izloči iz vseh posnetkov in fotografij skupaj z navedbo, na kateri lokaciji in katerega dne bi lahko bili posneti s strani organizatorjev. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov Univerze v Mariboru je izr. prof. dr. Miha Dvojmoč (dpo@um.si).

Financira Evropska unija. Za izražena stališča in mnenja odgovarja samo avtor (ali avtorji) in ne odražajo nujno stališč Evropske unije ali Evropske izvajalske agencije za raziskave. Niti Evropska unija niti Evropska izvajalska agencija za raziskave ne moreta biti odgovorna zanje.

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