Upcoming Events

Opportunities to Start and Develop a Research Career (Part 3): Promoting and protecting the mental health of early-career researchers
Opportunities to Start and Develop a Research Career (Part 3): Promoting and protecting the mental health of early-career researchers

The workshop will be practically oriented and will take the form of a discussion with Dr. Matja Zalar, Board Member and Head of the Mental Health Group and a successful researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Maribor. Through an interactive discussion, participants will gain insights into how to identify and manage stress and maintain mental…

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Opportunities to Start and Develop a Research Career (Part 2): Where to go after your PhD?
Opportunities to Start and Develop a Research Career (Part 2): Where to go after your PhD?

The “Where to go after your PhD?” event offers doctoral students, young researchers and post-doctoral fellows an insight into their post-doctoral career options. The event will be attended by representatives of key institutions: the Public Agency for Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance…

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Chatting with Ana Vovk in the rhythm of nature: What are eco-remediations?
Chatting with Ana Vovk in the rhythm of nature: What are eco-remediations?

Ecoremediation is imitating nature and nowadays refers to nature-based solutions (NBS), an approach that we are increasingly hearing about from those who, until recently, advocated only technical solutions. Ecoremediations are therefore numerous processes that take place in nature and can be used for our safety, against floods, droughts, pollution, to increase biodiversity, for water retention as well as water and…

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Chatting with Ana Vovk in the rhythm of nature: Why is it important to live in harmony with nature?
Chatting with Ana Vovk in the rhythm of nature: Why is it important to live in harmony with nature?

Planet Earth has limited ability of self-renewal. Disruption of natural cycles manifests itself in exceeding the planetary limits of nature’s regeneration which is reflected in contaminated water, the disappearance of glaciers, resulting in rising sea levels and floods, climate change, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification and ozone depletion. These consequences increasingly affect the difficult existence on our planet. This calls for…

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Discussions with UP Alumni: Connecting Science with Everyday Life
Discussions with UP Alumni: Connecting Science with Everyday Life

Events organised by the Alumni Office team, involving alumni and professors from specific faculties, aiming to create a dynamic environment for meaningful discussions on contemporary and relevant topics, including fake news and conspiracy theories. The six sessions will take place throughout the year, with a moderator leading a structured discussion at each session, after which we will open the floor…

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Fake News and Conspiracy Theories: How to Combat them and Protect Gender Equality?
Fake News and Conspiracy Theories: How to Combat them and Protect Gender Equality?

“Raising awareness of the interested public through presentations on fake news and conspiracy theories in the field of gender equality: Despite technological and social progress, even in the field of gender equality, fake news and conspiracy theories exist. Based on their characteristics, fake news can be classified into several subgroups, such as: false information, which refers to inaccurate information or…

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Round Table Discussion: Intelligence Without Borders: Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and the Future
Round Table Discussion: Intelligence Without Borders: Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and the Future

The rapid development of artificial intelligence, especially chatbots, raises critical questions across various fields that require thorough consideration. Artificial intelligence’s advancement transcends individual domains’ limitations and raises questions about education, the economy, creativity, and more. Therefore, we are organising a public event to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on society and the future. The focus will be on fundamental…

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Uradna foto-Nataša Pirc Musar spletna_stran

Dogodki projekta Lažne novice in teorije zarote? Opolnomočimo (se za) znanost! (akronim: oooZnanost!) potekajo pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar.


Univerza v Mariboru


Evropska unija



Pravno obvestilo

Na vseh dogodkih projekta oooZnanost! poteka snemanje in fotografiranje z namenom promocije in poročanja o dogodku. Če vstopite na lokacijo (spletnega) dogodka, boste lahko posneti in fotografirani.  Z vstopom na to lokacijo, dajete dovoljenje organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji, da vas lahko snemajo, fotografirajo, zvočno snemajo in uporabijo vaše posnetke po lastni presoji. Obiskovalci zato ne boste uveljavljali nobene odgovornosti proti organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji v zvezi z zgoraj navedenim. V kolikor se z zgoraj navedenim ne strinjate, vljudno prosimo, da s tem seznanite organizatorje na: ern@um.si. E-sporočilu obvezno priložite visokokakovostni sken fotografije z osebnega dokumenta, da vas lahko organizator izloči iz vseh posnetkov in fotografij skupaj z navedbo, na kateri lokaciji in katerega dne bi lahko bili posneti s strani organizatorjev. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov Univerze v Mariboru je izr. prof. dr. Miha Dvojmoč (dpo@um.si).

Financira Evropska unija. Za izražena stališča in mnenja odgovarja samo avtor (ali avtorji) in ne odražajo nujno stališč Evropske unije ali Evropske izvajalske agencije za raziskave. Niti Evropska unija niti Evropska izvajalska agencija za raziskave ne moreta biti odgovorna zanje.

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