Upcoming Events

Will We Soon be Treated by Intelligent Robots instead of Doctors?
Will We Soon be Treated by Intelligent Robots instead of Doctors?

Artificial intelligence technologies demonstrate outstanding potential in all areas, including in medicine. In recent years, there have been breakthroughs in the fields of diagnosis, interpretation of diagnostic images as well as patient monitoring and control. Large language models can qualitatively summarise the patient’s condition and advise the physician on his or her treatment. Personal medicine is being developed, in which…

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Decoding Deception  Round table on fake news, conspiracy theories and the erosion of trust in science
Decoding Deception Round table on fake news, conspiracy theories and the erosion of trust in science

The event will highlight the importance of critical thinking, identifying misinformation and building trust in scientific sources. The roundtable, moderated by Renata Dacinger, a journalist from RTV SLO, will be moderated by experts from various institutions: prof. dr. Dean Korošak, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research at the University of Maribor and head of the oooZnanost! project, Ms. Miriam Možgan, Foreign Policy…

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Ethics and Pitfalls in Science Communication (lecture for students)
Ethics and Pitfalls in Science Communication (lecture for students)

The World Wide Web offers easy access to information but also presents pitfalls. We will present unethical practices in electronic publishing, such as predatory journals, plagiarism, predatory metrics, and deceptive conferences. We will answer questions about how to recognise these practices and why it is not advisable to engage with them or use their resources. We will emphasise the importance…

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Ethics and Pitfalls in Science Communication (lecture for students)
Ethics and Pitfalls in Science Communication (lecture for students)

The World Wide Web offers easy access to information but also presents pitfalls. We will present unethical practices in electronic publishing, such as predatory journals, plagiarism, predatory metrics, and deceptive conferences. We will answer questions about how to recognise these practices and why it is not advisable to engage with them or use their resources. We will emphasise the importance…

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Uradna foto-Nataša Pirc Musar spletna_stran

Dogodki projekta Lažne novice in teorije zarote? Opolnomočimo (se za) znanost! (akronim: oooZnanost!) potekajo pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar.


Univerza v Mariboru


Evropska unija



Pravno obvestilo

Na vseh dogodkih projekta oooZnanost! poteka snemanje in fotografiranje z namenom promocije in poročanja o dogodku. Če vstopite na lokacijo (spletnega) dogodka, boste lahko posneti in fotografirani.  Z vstopom na to lokacijo, dajete dovoljenje organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji, da vas lahko snemajo, fotografirajo, zvočno snemajo in uporabijo vaše posnetke po lastni presoji. Obiskovalci zato ne boste uveljavljali nobene odgovornosti proti organizatorjem in Evropski komisiji v zvezi z zgoraj navedenim. V kolikor se z zgoraj navedenim ne strinjate, vljudno prosimo, da s tem seznanite organizatorje na: ern@um.si. E-sporočilu obvezno priložite visokokakovostni sken fotografije z osebnega dokumenta, da vas lahko organizator izloči iz vseh posnetkov in fotografij skupaj z navedbo, na kateri lokaciji in katerega dne bi lahko bili posneti s strani organizatorjev. Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov Univerze v Mariboru je izr. prof. dr. Miha Dvojmoč (dpo@um.si).

Financira Evropska unija. Za izražena stališča in mnenja odgovarja samo avtor (ali avtorji) in ne odražajo nujno stališč Evropske unije ali Evropske izvajalske agencije za raziskave. Niti Evropska unija niti Evropska izvajalska agencija za raziskave ne moreta biti odgovorna zanje.

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