Chatting with Ana Vovk in the rhythm of nature: What are eco-remediations?
onlineEcoremediation is imitating nature and nowadays refers to nature-based solutions (NBS), an approach that we are increasingly hearing about from those who, until recently, advocated only technical solutions. Ecoremediations are therefore numerous processes that take place in nature and can be used for our safety, against floods, droughts, pollution, to increase biodiversity, for water retention as well as water and…
Critical Understanding of Media Content – Workshop for Students
Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije Titov trg 5, Koper, SlovenijaThe critical media analysis workshop will offer participants knowledge for conceptual understanding of media content. Its goal is to identify points of view, genres, and patterns of media representation and detect propaganda, censorship, and bias in the news. A group of young people between the ages of 12 and 15, we hypothesise, show low media literacy but are more adept…
Discussions with UP Alumni: Connecting Science with Everyday Life
Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije Titov trg 5, Koper, SlovenijaEvents organised by the Alumni Office team, involving alumni and professors from specific faculties, aiming to create a dynamic environment for meaningful discussions on contemporary and relevant topics, including fake news and conspiracy theories. The six sessions will take place throughout the year, with a moderator leading a structured discussion at each session, after which we will open the floor…
Workshops for students from the Velenje School Centre and the Krško Sevnica School Centre
Inštitut za energetiko FE, UM Vrbina 18, Krško, SlovenijaThe workshops are designed to raise awareness about energy technologies for cleaner energy production. Through practical exercises, students will explore how advanced technologies work, learn valuable skills and discover how each individual can contribute to more efficient energy use.
Work in the Software Quality and Testing Laboratory (SWQLAB)
Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kidričeva cesta 55 A, Kranj, SlovenijaParticipants will be introduced to the Software Quality and Testing Laboratory (SWQLAB) work, where research and development is carried out in the framework of national and international projects. The laboratory is open to students from colleges and universities and master's and doctoral programmes. The main activities include monitoring and implementing software standards (ISO/IEC/IEEE), using open-source software for quality and testing,…
Journeys into the Mathematical Universe
Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Glagoljaška ulica 8, Koper, SlovenijaA series of six popular lectures titled "Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije's Journeys into the Mathematical Universe" during the academic year. The lectures will be primarily aimed at high school students from the coastal region but will also be open to the general public. Researchers and university lecturers will understandably present ancient and modern mathematical concepts, highlighting their…
Chatting with Ana Vovk in the rhythm of nature: New biodynamics – why do we need it?
onlineIn addition to organic farming, we also know biodynamic farming which differs from the organic in that it involves cosmic forces. Dr. Rudolf Steiner was the founder of biodynamics, whose work was continued by Marija Thun. Today, as the land/soil is dying much faster than ever before, we need a new biodynamic which includes only plant preparations instead of animal…
Development and Research Work with Artisans in Ljubljana
OŠ Antona Ukmarja Pot v Gaj 2, Koper, SlovenijaA master's student of tourism at the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica (UP) will present his research experience to students, which he gained during his visit to Deakin University in Australia under the mentorship of Professor Dr. Kaja Antlej through ASEF exchange program. During the presentation, he will share insights into the process of planning and conducting research, which…
Journeys into the Mathematical Universe
Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Glagoljaška ulica 8, Koper, SlovenijaA series of six popular lectures titled "Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije's Journeys into the Mathematical Universe" during the academic year. The lectures will be primarily aimed at high school students from the coastal region but will also be open to the general public. Researchers and university lecturers will understandably present ancient and modern mathematical concepts, highlighting their…
Presentation on Fake News, Conspiracy Theories, and Science
Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije Titov trg 5, Koper, SlovenijaExploration of the concepts of fake news, conspiracy theories, and science. The presentation will examine what distinguishes science from fake news and conspiracy theories and why science is essential.
Round Table Discussion: Intelligence Without Borders: Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and the Future
Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije Titov trg 5, Koper, SlovenijaThe rapid development of artificial intelligence, especially chatbots, raises critical questions across various fields that require thorough consideration. Artificial intelligence's advancement transcends individual domains' limitations and raises questions about education, the economy, creativity, and more. Therefore, we are organising a public event to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on society and the future. The focus will be on fundamental…
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