- Events
- Chemistry
- No events scheduled for 23. September, 2024.
- No events scheduled for 24. September, 2024.
- No events scheduled for 25. September, 2024.
- No events scheduled for 26. September, 2024.
What’s Cooking in the Laboratory?
Izola, Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za vede o zdravju Polje 42, Izola- No events scheduled for 28. September, 2024.
- No events scheduled for 29. September, 2024.
Week of Events
Coloured Chemistry
Coloured Chemistry
Colours have an influence on our moods, and our actions. Therefore, in presenting chemical experiments, we aim to include visually appealing ones. We will delve into more straightforward experiments, demonstrate the hidden colours in seemingly unattractive substances, proceed to slightly more complex redox reactions and coordination chemistry, and explore the colourful diversity of chemical compounds.
What’s Cooking in the Laboratory?
What’s Cooking in the Laboratory?
Changes in pH can affect a variety of chemical processes, therefore accurate determination is important for understanding the properties of substances. Red cabbage contains large amounts of substances called anthocyanins. These are water-soluble dyes that change colour in different pH environments and for that reason red cabbage can be used as a natural pH indicator. Cabbage is also a good…
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