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Presentation of the best selected research and innovation proposals of the Youth for Progress Maribor Programme

23. September

Raziskovalci - varuhi resničnih dejstev v dobi lažnih novic in teorij zarot - oooZnanost!

Selected authors participating in this year’s competition of the Youth for Progress Maribor programme will present their research papers and innovation proposals. Since the school year 1983/84, the “Youth for the Progress of Maribor” programme has been encouraging research work by young people. Initially organised by the Municipality of Maribor, since 2007 it has been run under the auspices of ZPM Maribor. Each year, more than 300 young researchers from the upper grades of Maribor’s primary schools, secondary schools and student hostels participate in the programme. In total, they submit around 200 research papers and innovative proposals in more than 30 research fields.


23. September
Event Category:
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Pobreška cesta 18
Maribor, 2000 Slovenija
+ Google Map


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Uradna foto-Nataša Pirc Musar spletna_stran

Dogodki projekta Lažne novice in teorije zarote? Opolnomočimo (se za) znanost! (akronim: oooZnanost!) potekajo pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar.


Univerza v Mariboru


Evropska unija



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